Pass the Keyence Technical Sales Wiesen Assessment

Learn how to prepare quickly and effectively for the Wiesen Technical Assessment at the Keyence technical sales hiring process.

  • Get full preparation within 2-3 days.
  • A Full-length simulation of the Wiesen Technical Assessment to know exactly what is coming
  • Detailed explanations for deeper understnding of the test's main topics
Keyence Technical Sales Preparation

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  • 2025 updated edition
  • A Wiesen Diagnostic Test
  • 18 Subject-Specific Practice Tests 
  • A Full-Length Wiesen Test Simulation
  • A Comprehensive Mechanical Aptitude Study Guide
  • Fully detailed explanations for each question

The Hiring Process of A Keyence Technical Sales Representative

After applying to a technical sales representative position at Keyence, you will be required to go through two screening stages:

Let's talk a bit about each and how to best prepare.

The Wiesen Technical Assessment at Keyence

Once your application was recieved, you will have 2-3 days to complete the Wiesen Technical Assessment. It is a mechanical aptitude test that contains 60 questions to be answered within 30 minutes.

Although the test does not require any technical background, it requires familiarity with basic mechanical and electrical principles.

Read more about the Wiesen Technical Assessment + tips and sample questions.

What Score Do You Need to Pass the Wiesen Technical Assessment?

The minimum threshold for being a Keyence technical sales representative is 46 questions correct (of 60) in the Wiesen Technical Assessment. You should remember, however, that this is the MINIMUM. Eventually, successful candidates will be selected from the top tiers of test takers. 

How to Pass the Wiesen Technical Assessment in 2-3 Days

It may initially seem that there is no actual way to practice for a test that is only 2-3 days away. However, it is never too late to prepare, if you know how. That is why we developed the 3-day study plan for the Wiesen Technical Assessment, especially suited for Keyence candidates.

The plan incorporates several key principles to make the practice most effective and quick:

  • A Diagnostic test to get a practice method personalized for YOU
  • Distinction between “big” and “small” test topics to focus your effort correctly
  • Subject-specific practice tests to deeply understand the test’s physical principles
  • A full-length simulation of the Wiesen Test to wrap everything up

Keyence Technical Sales Representative Interview Process

In this stage, your Keyence interviewers are looking for you to give examples from your previous experience to back up your answers. Thus, ahead of the interview, review your resume and prepare a list of examples that can be used to demonstrate your skills against the competencies Keyence is looking for. Our Interview preparation can help you excel during the interview stage of Keyence technical sales representative's recruitment process.

Keyence Technical Sales Representative Video interview

Video interviews are generally conducted with software, like HireVue, in which you are presented with a question and then given time to record your answer. For this interview, it is very important to ensure that you have a story to back up your answers. This is best done using the STAR method: first talk about the situation, then the problem, and finally how you dealt with it.

JobTestPrep Answers Your Frequently Asked Questions

The hiring process takes 3-5 weeks, according to other applicants' testimonials.

Typically you should emphasize why you are the right choice for the job. You should bring in good examples from former experiences to show that you have the skills needed to succeed. Use the STAR method to answer questions as this provides a complete picture and is an engaging way to answer questions in an interview.