Merck Sales Representative Test Preparation

Looking to become a pharmaceutical sales representative for Merck? To prepare for your video and personal interview, practice with our interview pack. Practicing our personality test, Sienna Reasoning Test (SRT), and situational judgment test will help you get a step closer to getting the job.

  • Total Tests: 28
  • Total Questions: 1,775
  • Videos Included: 1
  • Topics Covered: Interview, situational judgement questions, personality test
  • Includes: Practice test, study guides, video tutorial

Merck Sales Representative Test Preparation

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  • 7 figural reasoning practice tests
  • 1 full personality test + 30 single traits additional drills
  • 5 SJT’s
  • 2 Logic games practice tests
  • 4 logical reasoning practice tests
  • 6 number and letter series practice tests
  • 2 warm-up drills
  • Interview preparation
  • 2 personality study guides
  • 1 professional sales-person personality study guide
  • 1 SJT study guide
  • 1 Siena study guide
  • Money back guarantee


During the hiring process for the Merck pharmaceutical sales representative job, you will probably be required to complete a video interview before your face-to-face interview. You may also be asked to take an online Siena Reasoning Test. Improve your chances of being the next Merck employee by starting to use our Merck Sales preparation now.

Siena Reasoning Test

The SRT's basic aim is to measure intelligence. There are 40 questions to be answered within 40 minutes. Cognitive ability assessments include the following:

  • Processing and applying information
  • Reasoning
  • Integrating knowledge
  • Drawing inferences
  • Making decisions

The logic-based reasoning is at the heart of the SRT. The exam items mirror the same logical thought processes as those that are needed for effective job performance. No prior knowledge of the subject matter contained in the various passages presented is necessary for answering any test questions. JobTestPrep has developed an SRT preparation system that includes practice tests with Q & A analysis, study guide and helpful exam strategies, all of which contribute to successful Siena Reasoning Test results.


Warm up for the Merck Sales Representative Test Online!

JobTestPrep offers dozens of highly effective preparation materials to help you successfully pass your Merck Sales Representative assessment tests. Our PrepPacks™ were designed to improve your chances of successfully landing your dream job. You will be able to quickly identify and eliminate any weaknesses prior to taking your Merck Sales Representative assessment test through using JobTestPrep.

Merck Hiring Process

The hiring process for a Merck pharmaceutical sales position has four to five stages. After submitting your résumé, you may be asked to complete the online Sienna Reasoning Test. You may also be asked to complete further online behavioral tests, such as situational judgment and personality tests. Upon successfully completing the tests, you will participate in a phone interview. After passing the phone interview, you will be invited to participate in a face to face interview with several managers.


Merck_sales_rep_hiring process

Merck Online Test

The most common type of online test you will encounter in the Merck hiring process is the Siena Reasoning Test (SRT). In addition, you will probably be asked situational judgment and personality questions relevant to the Merck harmaceutical sales representative position. Improve your chances of excelling in the assessment stage by utilizing JobTestPrep's practice tests.

To help you prepare for Merck's test, take a look at this sample question taken from the Siena Reasoning Test:


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Merck Interview

After you successfully pass a phone interview, you will be required to take the Merck’s pre-employment tests. Provided you receive high scores on them, you will move to the next level of the pre-employment assessment, an in-person interview. This interview is usually conducted in one of the Merck’s locations. On it, you will have a chance to talk with your prospective managers, who will ask you about your working experience and your career goals. They will also want to determine whether you have required skills to perform job tasks well and whether you will be a good fit for the company. Situational questions will also be posed. Before you come for the face-to-face interview, think about a problematic situation you faced in your past and recollect what steps you took to resolve it. Your recruiters will want to know what goals you set for yourself, while coping with the difficult situation, and what remedy you found for it. Tell them also about possible alternative resolution of the problem that your weighted but finally decided not to implement. By following these steps, you will show to the Merck’s employers how your mind works in stressful situations.

Sample Interview Questions

Here are some sample questions to help you prepare for your Merck interview:

  • Tell us about a stressful situation and how you handled it.
  • Why are you interested in this position?
  • What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?
  • Run us through your resume.
  • Give an example of a time you had to collaborate with other teams or lead other teams.
  • Give an example when you faced a complex problem and how you resolved it.
  • How would you plan for uncertainty?

What should I emphasize during my interview?

Typically, you should emphasize why you are the best candidate for the job. You should bring in good examples from past experiences to show that you have the skills needed to succeed. Use the STAR method to answer questions as this provides a complete picture and is an engaging way to answer.

What possibilities for advancement exist within Merck?

Merck has several promotion options; one of the most desired programs is the GMAP – General Management Acceleration Program, in which you interact with leaders all over the world and make a meaningful impact on the company.