The NSA Matrix Test - Your Prep Guide

The NSA Matrix Test is an integral part of the selection process for a number NSA exams for positions with the NSA, and one of the three sections of the Computer Networking Assessment Battery (CNAB). In the test you will be asked to identify hidden patterns in abstract information, a highly challenging task that aims to reveal your cognitive abilities. 

On this page we will review important information relating to the NSA Matrix Test, and answer some sample questions that will offer a preview of what you will be facing. For more accurate practice that will enhance your chances of acing this NSA test, we recommend our NSA Matrix Test PrepPack which includes:

  • Full NSA Matrix Test simulations that will allow you to practice questions closely emulating the real thing under a time limit - sharpening your solving skills while also improving your time management.
  • Additional exercises to work on NSA Matrix test questions without a time limit and further elevate you abstract reasoning abilities - the core element you will need to improve to ace the test. 
  • Study guides that cover the theory behind the test, allowing you to dive deeper and gain a fuller understanding of the questions you will be answering.  
NSA Matrix Test

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May, Raven's Progressive Matrices Expert at JobTestPrep
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What Is The NSA Matrix Test?

In the NSA Matrix Test, each question is composed of a 9 square matrix, with each square containing a shape - except for one empty one. According to the logic you identify within the matrix, you must select the shape that is completes the matrix. 

This challenging NSA test is an abstract reasoning assessment (similar to the famous Raven Progressive Matrices Test), meaning it tasks you with identifying hidden patterns and logic in shapes and figures, making it one of the more challenging NSA exams you will encounter.

To improve your abstract reasoning ability and your chances of passing this NSA test and other NSA exams that involve similar questions, practice is key.

NSA Matrix Test Practice Questions

Matrix Assessment Test NSA Sample Question 1

Consider the matrix below, and identify which of the shapes below it fit in the missing square:

nsa matrix test 1
nsa matrix test answer 1
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nsa matrix test explanation 1

💡 You can solve more Raven's Questions here.

How to Ace the NSA Matrix Test

Abstract reasoning ability is considered to be the purest form of intelligence, as it does not rely on any education or prior knowledge - this is why the NSA Matrix Test is a central part of the selection process. Approaching this challenging test unprepared could mean getting overwhelmed by the difficulty and time pressure on the day of the test, and missing out on the job.

With JobTestPrep's accurate NSA Matrix Test PrepPack, you will gain access to practice tests and study guides that will elevate you skills and your chances of getting a high score. 

Matrix Assessment Test NSA Sample Question 2

Consider the matrix below, and identify which of the shapes below it fit in the missing square:

matrix assessment test nsa question
matrix assessment test nsa answer
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nsa matrix test explanation 2

NSA Exams

Working for the NSA means joining an elite cadre of professionals who are at the forefront of today's digital warfare. The NSA is entrusted with protecting critical national security information from foreign powers, providing the military with operational information, as well as securing the country's cybersecurity and information systems. 

In order to ensure that only the most talented and qualified individuals take part in this crucial task, there are a wide variety of highly challenging NSA exams in place that measure the core capabilities necessary for the job.

At JobTestPrep, we have a rich history of preparing candidates for their pre-employment tests, offering highly accurate practice materials that help elevate your skills. 

  • Visit our NSA exams information page to learn more about what it takes to join the NSA. 
  • NSA Data Science Examination (DSE) - data science is an integral part of the NSA's work, and to identify the candidates best suited to handle this task the DSE is used. Learn more about this challenging NSA Exam on our NSA Data Science Examination page

Pearson Vue - Technical Requirements

NSA exams are administered by the renowned test provider company Pearson Vue, who have a list of requirements each NSA test taker must comply with, and offer some useful information that could help you towards your test. 

Click here for the Pearson Vue official page.