Prepare for PSEG Gas Test Battery

You clicked on this page because you must get ready for the PSEG Test but want to find the quicksets and most accurate way to prepare – well look no further!  

Our PSEG Gas Test Batter extensively covers the test, while allowing you to practice under test simulated conditions coupled with in-depth explanations on every test.  

So, what will JobTestPrep do for you?  

The Three Pillars of JobTestPrep:  

  • Accuracy – Our practice tests are built to mirror the real test in every regard, so you know what to expect.
  • Focus - Extensive explanations coupled with tips and strategies help you laser focus to increase performance.
  • Ease – Our timed tests gives you practice needed to adjust your performance to the speed of the test.

How Can JobTestPrep Help You Pass the Exam?

  • Math, Tables and Graphs - You will get plenty of practice on numerical reasoning, calculating areas and perimeters, math word problems, advanced drills, and number series. Additionally, you will become expert in tabular reasoning, understanding and interpreting tables & graphs, and reading tables & graphs.
  • English - You will quickly shore up your written Communication, spelling, punctuation alongside drills to help you understand the essence of written texts.
  • Mechanical Aptitude – These 10-tests focus on mechanical reasoning and comprehension with a wide number of drills including: cogwheels, electricity, pressure, hydraulics, and pressure. Additionally, we will prep you on Reading Measures or ways to gauge clocks and scales.
  • Diagrammatic Reasoning – We will provide you with 9 tests packed with all the tools and practice needed to analyze the sequence of shapes, patterns, or numbers. All questioned mirror the real test.
  • Following Instructions – Our two aptitude prep tests are timed and designed according to the real tests including two passages and four questions each.
  • Spatial Aptitude – this pack is dedicated to firefighters, so its not relevant to all positions.
  • Logical Reasoning – Our four logical reasoning practice tests help you tackle logical thinking and syllogism making.
PSEG Gas Test Battery

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  • Reading Comprehension - 19 practice tests 
  • Attention to Details - 2 practice tests
  • verbal reasoning - 7 tests, numerical reasoning - 4 tests
  • Mechanical Concepts - 10 practice tests + study guide
  • Numerical Computation - 7 practice tests
  • Electrical Aptitude - 6 practice tests


What is the PSEG Gas Test Battery?

The PSEG Gas Test Battery is primarily used to assess candidate's pursuing the following: street apprentice, service apprentice, and utility mechanic apprentice. By assessing a variety of apprentice skills, employers can gain a better understanding of your skill set, experience, and strengths that may not come across during an interview.

  • Length of PSEG Test: Each test can range from 30-90 minutes.
  • PSEG Score: It’s a pass of fail, but if you don’t pass, you don’t move on in the process.
  • PSEG Practice Questions: Below are a few sample questions from among the many in the PSEG Battery, no doubt you will want to see more.

Mechanical Comprehension - Basic concepts Question

Which of the following is not a good electrical insulator?






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The correct answer is D – Mineral Water.

Besides mineral water, all the above serve as rather good insulators: Air can conduct electricity to a certain level (lightning does cross the skies), yet if it were a good conductor, we would get electrified all day long, and no battery would be able to preserve its electric charge.

Plastic and Glass are known common insulators.

Pure water is water containing no dissolved substance. The ions in electrolytes conduct electricity, and not the water molecules themselves. Pure water contains no dissolved substance, hence no ions; therefore, it doesn't have the means to conduct electricity. Mineral water on the other hand, has an abundance of ions, and serves as a great conductor.

Logical Reasoning Question

A TIMBAT is smaller than a WATERMELON.



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The second line says that a WATERMELON is smaller than a TIMBAT. A TIMBAT is therefore bigger than a WATERMELON.

Expressions Method:

It may also be helpful to solve these questions by creating expressions indicating all of the relationships given to us. Although this will initially take more time, in the long run it may actually save time and reduce mistakes as it allows us to answer similar questions that are based on the same information extremely quickly.

When discussing sourness, we will use ‘<’ to indicate “less sour than”, and when discussing size we will use ‘<’ to indicate “smaller than” (with the less sour and smaller items shown as “less than”).


Line 1: An OKLAT is more sour than a PICKLE


General Knowledge: A PICKLE is more sour than a WATERMELON                                      


Line 2: A WATERMELON is more sour than a TIMBAT


Line 3: A TIMBAT is more sour than  GHANE



Line 1: An OKLAT is bigger than a PICKLE


General Knowledge: A WATERMELON is bigger than a PICKLE

Notice that as of now we need to create two separate expressions as we know that both a WATERMELON and an OKLAT are bigger than a PICKLE, but we do not know their sizes in relation to each other.

Line 2: A WATERMELON is smaller than a TIMBAT


LINE 3: A TIMBAT is smaller than a GHANE


Notice that we know that an OKLAT is bigger than a PICKLE, but do not know if it is bigger or smaller than any of the other items.