Practice for Aptitude Tests and Interviews at Toronto Transit Commission (Wonderlic & More)

Are you applying to work at the TTC and wondering what pre-hire tests it administers to its job candidates? JobTestPrep possesses all required resources not only to give you exhaustive information about the Toronto Transit Commission’s recruitment process but also prepare you for your examination.

Our thoughtfully compiled PrepPack™ includes aptitude tests, study guides, answer keys and an exclusive interview kit. After practicing with our resources, you will score high on your pre-employment assessment and become selected by TTC’s recruiters for your desired job.

  • Accurate Test Simulations
  • Interview questions and answers

Note: If you are looking for preparation for The Wonderlic Test, visit our Wonderlic Page.

How Can JobTestPrep Help?

JobTestPrep has conducted a thorough research on the TTC’s recruitment process and designed close simulations of the tests that it offers to its potential employees. We have put into our PrepPack™ the simulations of the Aptitude Tests, Situational Judgement Tests, Mathematical Reasoning and Abstract Reasoning Tests to equip you with knowledge and skills needed to pass your pre-hire tests without troubles. With us, you will sharpen your cognitive abilities and will increase the speed with which you answer test questions, significantly improving your own time record.

To help you out also during your interview, we have added to our materials a list of interview questions and possible answers to them. Included in our PrepPack™ are also interview tips that will help you compose yourself when talking to your recruiters and deliver a winning performance on your interview. Do not leave your employment to chance. Practice with our materials and fulfil your ambition to work at the TTC.

What Is the Aptitude Test?

This test is used by employers to estimate applicant’s cognitive abilities related to work. It helps them understand whether you will perform your role well and will be a good fit for the company. There are several types of the Aptitude Test. The most popular among them are the Abstract Reasoning Test, the Verbal Reasoning Test, and Numerical Reasoning Test. Your answers on the test will inform your employers whether you possess good problem-solving skills, whether you learn new material quickly, and if you can process new information well and quickly. Analyzing your test, they will also know if you can think strategically and draw valid conclusions from ambiguous information. Aptitude tests are usually strictly timed. You will have 12 minutes to answer 50 questions posed on the test. To finish the test on time is challenging. Do not hurt your chances of answering all questions within a short time limit by taking the test for the first time on your actual examination. Practice at home with our resources and let TTC’s recruiters shortlist you for the interview.


Prepare for the TTC Hiring Process with JobTestPrep

JobTestPrep makes an all-out effort to assist job applicants with their pre-hire tests. Our PrepPacks™ includes accurate test simulations and interview tips designed to bring them to a victorious conclusion of their pre-employment assessment. Invest into our resources and begin to work for the Toronto Transit Commission.


The TTC’s Recruitment Process

The Toronto Transit Commission leads its applicants through several stages of the hiring process.

  • After you have submitted your résumé, you will be asked to take the Aptitude Test. What type of the Aptitude Test you will be administered will depend on the position for which you applied. Our materials contain several most popular aptitude Tests.
  • Before you are invited for a face-to-face interview, you will be given a bus/street car shadowing assignment. Bring it to your interview together with your license. When you come for the interview, you will also participate in an information session. you may also be asked to write a short essay about customer service. You may also have another test involving functions written in visual basic. You will be given some time to analyze and then to explain what the code does.
  • On your face-to-face interview, expect competency-based and technical questions. Sometimes, the in-person interview takes the form of a panel.
  • If your interview goes well, you may receive a job offer at the TTC.