Preparation for Ericsson Assessment Test

If you're trying to become an employee at Ericsson, you'll probably have to take a test specifically designed for the job. JobTestPrep has created preparation packs for many such positions and we are sure we can give you the best online preparation possible. Take timed practice tests, track your scores, and ensure your success.

  • Tests, answers, and explanations
  • Detailed answer explanations help you to learn as you go

About Ericsson PrepPacks™

JobTestPrep helps you in preparing for Ericsson's recruitment processes. The different preparation packages on this page are designed to offer you an in-depth understanding of the tests you may come to take as part of the Ericsson application process.

Ericsson Personality Tests

When taking a personality test, your results may not always reflect your true self. You must keep in mind that a job personality test shows your work persona. The test is not about seeing personas that are revealed in family life or other contexts.

Ericsson Abstract/Figural Reasoning Tests

Although abstract/figural reasoning tests are administered in several different formats and are comprised of various question types, the purpose of each abstract/figural reasoning test is the same—for candidates to demonstrate their skills at solving and predicting the missing parts of various patterns and problems.

Ericsson Situational Judgement Tests

Situational Judgement Tests (SJT) are psychological assessments where you are presented with hypothetical, yet realistic, scenarios related to the job in which you are applying. SJTs have become a popular tool used by assessment companies, employers, and organizations to evaluate the behavioral and cognitive abilities of candidates when introduced with daily work-related situations.


Start Practicing for the Ericsson Industry Tests

JobTestPrep's mission is to lead job applicants to the successful conclusion of their pre-employment process. Therefore, we possess a rich arsenal of generic tests, each of which targets different cognitive abilities and professional skills. Even if you see your test for the first time on your pre-employment assessment, you will know how to answer its questions. Our carefully selected resources will improve your skills, visual accuracy, and reasoning so well that you will pass your pre-employment assessment at the company with great success.

Ericsson Interview Process

In this stage, your Ericsson interviewers are looking for you to give examples from your previous experience to back up your answers. Thus, ahead of the interview, review your resume and prepare a list of examples that can be used to demonstrate your skills against the competencies Ericsson is looking for. Our Interview PrepPack™ can help you excel during the interview stage of Ericsson's recruitment process.

Frequently Asked Questions by Ericsson Applicants

Many employers use aptitude tests as part of the hiring process because they provide employers with the opportunity to gain insight into your intellectual skills, work compatibility, and cooperation and interaction with others. Therefore, preparation for these tests is essential to get one step closer to the job you desire.

Being consistent is very important when taking a personality assessment test. On personality tests, you may be asked similar questions that are worded differently. If you answer these similar questions differently, it will be reflected in your results. For instance, it could appear to assessors as if you did not answer both questions completely honestly, which may result in you not getting the job. However, being consistent is not something you need to focus on, as it is not measured. It is a problem only if you significantly contradict yourself; for example, answering "agree" to "I'm never late" and "I have a tendency to be late to some meeting." At times during the test, you may encounter similar statements but not agree or disagree with all of them; in this case, it is fine to answer differently. For example, answering "agree" to both "I prefer working with people rather than working along" and "Sometimes, I need some alone time."

Ericsson hiring processes follow similar patterns for each type of recruitment, but the exercises you will encounter depend on the level you are applying to. There are also some differences at each level between technical recruitment and business roles. You can be requested to attend an interview and complete aptitude tests.