Practice for the Caliper Personality Test Required for Managerial Positions at FedEx

Have you applied for a managerial position at FedEx but think you may flunk your Caliper Test required as a part of the company’s pre-employment assessment? JobTestPrep is here to assuage your worries and help you pass your test with high scores. We have closely modeled our Caliper Test on FedEx’s official test and supplied it with answer keys, study guides, and interview questions. Study with our high-quality PrepPack™ and start displaying your organizing and managing skills at FedEx.   

  • Total Tests: 60
  • Total Questions: 1000+
  • Topics Covered: Personality Assessment, Numerical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Interview
Practice for a Manager Position at FedEx

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  • 6 figural tests for personality profiling
  • 3 numerical series tests for personality profiling
  • 1 full personality test
  • 2 personality study guides
  • Interview preparation
  • 30 single trait practice tests
David, Caliper Test Expert at JobTestPrep
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JobTestPrep has a goal to help job applicants at Federal Express to receive a job offer and realize their organizational and motivational talents in the role of a manager. We have conducted a thorough research and compiled exclusive materials to make your examination at FedEx a rewarding experience. Our Caliper Test is a good measurement of candidates’ abstract reasoning skills, assertiveness, self-discipline, empathy, and other cognitive abilities indispensable for their success as managers. You may not only practice with the Caliper Test and see your final score but also track your progress while studying. More importantly, with our practice materials, you will increase your self-awareness and will emphasize your leadership qualities more pointedly in your personal conversation with Federal Express’ recruiters. 

To enhance your performance during your interview still further, JobTestPrep has also gathered together interview questions most often posed to prospective managers at FedEx. You can go over these questions and craft smart, informative answers before you even enter an interview room. Armed with good answers, you will appear confident and composed during the interview and will convey your managerial skills and strategies to recruiters more convincingly. Prepared to your Caliper Test with the help of our exclusive PrepPack™, you will have more chances of excelling on your pre-employment assessment and interviews and, as a result, will be hired as a manager at FedEx.

FedEx’s Hiring Process

A Phone Interview - After you have submitted your résumé through careers’ gateway, you will be called by a Human Resources representative who will outline job details for you and discuss with you your working history and your managerial skills and strategies. The interview usually lasts about half an hour. If you create a favorable impression on the recruiter, you will receive a link to take the Caliper Test online. Provided you do well on your test, you will be invited for a face-to-face interview in one of the company’s locations.

A Face-to-Face Interview - The second interview is usually conducted by a Human Resources manager, two operation managers, and production supervisor. FedEx’s recruiters will talk to you about your leadership style, your business acumen, and information processing. The interview may take from 45 minutes to an hour.

Questions asked during the in-person interview are behavioral and situational and require answers in the form of a “B-A-R”: Background, Actions, and Results. What interviewers at FedEx seek to obtain from their questions is a specific and complete example of a job candidate’s past behavior. When you reply to recruiters, describe in detail a situation in which you demonstrated specific behavior, thereby providing background to it. Then, tell what you actually did or said in that situation and thus delineate actions you took. Finally, talk about the results you achieved in the described situation. Following the B-A-R format in your answers is important, because FedEx’s recruiters are grading your answers on the scale from 1 to 5, while you are talking.  If you do not outline a situation from your past work and do not specify what actions you took and what was their outcome, you will receive poor rating.

After the interview, if recruiters are impressed with you, FedEx will check your criminal background. Expect then a phone call with a job offer and a proposed shift schedule.

FedEx’s Interview Questions

The final stage of FedEx’s pre-employment assessment, the face-to-face interview, is not an easy feat, because job applicants need to follow the B-A-R (Behavior-Actions-Results) format, when they answer interviewers’ questions. If you do not give a good example of a problematic situation that you tried to improve in the past, recruiters will rate your answers low. Therefore, it is crucial to come to your second interview armed with sharp and clear answers and explanations. Below is the list of questions often posed in interviews at FedEx:

  • How would you handle a dispute with an employee?
  • What is your management style?
  • What strategies do you use to motivate a team?
  • Describe your approach to making decisions and solving problems. Why do you do it this way?
  • When you evaluate someone’s performance verbally, what approach do you take?
  • Tell me about a time when you demonstrated leadership skills.
  • How would you tell your colleagues that they are underperforming?
  • Provide an example of a time when you successfully organized a diverse group of people to accomplish a task. 

FedEx’s Caliper Personality Assessment

The Caliper Personality Assessment measures job applicants’ personalities and their general aptitude for the managerial position. It makes a connection between people’s character traits and their job performance. Among cognitive abilities that the Caliper Test evaluates are applicants’ general intelligence, new skills acquisition, and their ability to handle complicated tasks and problems. It is also designed to find out whether job candidates possess such various traits as accommodation, assertiveness, resilience, empathy, skepticism, thoroughness, self-discipline, among others.

Scores - Note that there are no scores on the Caliper Personality Assessment, which means that you would not flunk it, because you do not receive a sufficiently high mark on it. Yet you can still fail the test, if you receive negative feedback concerning your strengths, proficiency, leadership, and motivations. Negatively assessed, you will not qualify for the managerial position at FedEx. Preparing for the test in advance will help you discover the purpose of each question and understand what qualities FedEx’s employers seek in their prospective managers.  

Time - There is also no time limit on the Caliper Personality Assessment. You are permitted to take up to three hours to answer its 180 multiple-choice questions. Yet, again, having unlimited time to complete the test does not guarantee that it is easy. Questions asked on the test can be confusing due to frequently used negative and generalizing words such as “not,” “never,” or “always.” The Caliper Test is also longer than other tests; completing it may be tiring. Tired, you may answer some questions incorrectly and lower the quality of your personality profile.

The Format - The format of the test varies. Usually, you will be required to choose a word describing your character most precisely among four nouns or adjectives. What is challenging in this task is that all given words may be positive. If you possess in an equal measure courage, determination, and stamina, you will need to think carefully about these alternatives, deciding which of these qualities reveal your personality more fully. Your choice will surely say a lot about your personality and may influence FedEx’s hiring decision. Sometimes you will be asked to choose a word that describes you not most exactly but rather least exactly. Try not to confuse between the smallest and biggest degrees lest you misrepresent yourself accidentally.

There are also pattern recognition questions on the Caliper Personality Assessment along with those questions that require to be evaluated as either “True” or “False” in relation to your personality. Or you may need to answer questions on the scale of your least and maximum agreement with the statements they contain.

To complicate the matter, the Caliper Personality Assessment may also contain tasks for which there is no apparent solution. It is important not to get desperate, because these tasks are meant to be unsolvable. By dint of such tasks, recruiters want to understand how you would behave in challenging, seemingly hopeless situations. But there is a caveat: you should answer a question, however unsolvable it seems. In so doing, you will present yourself as a person ready to face challenges. Another reason to fill in all questions is that the test with blanks will not be evaluated. Do not jeopardize your chances of getting a manager position at FedEx by skipping questions on the Caliper Personality Assessment. 


Start Preparing the Right Way for Your FedEx Manager Assessment Test

Practice with JobTestPrep’s high-quality materials and create an interesting personality profile on the Caliper Test. With our inclusive PrepPack™, you will also impress FedEx’s recruiters in the interview, convincing them to give you an opportunity to display your professionalism and leadership skills in the role of a manager.

What Do Managers Do?

Managers’ tasks are divided into five general categories:

  1. Managers set objectives for the team or entire organization and finds the way to achieve them.
  2. Managers also organize work of employees. They divide tasks between members of the organization according to their duties and skills.
  3. Managers motivate co-workers and establish fruitful communication with them. They decide how to place employees, whom to promote and when, and what salaries to pay them.
  4. Managers set appropriate targets and decide how to measure employees’ success in achieving them. They analyze others’ performance, interpret and evaluate it.
  5. Managers also help people grow professionally and personally.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers at FedEx:

Q: How many questions does the Caliper Personality Assessment contain?

A: There are 180 multiple-choice questions on the Caliper Test. You are welcome to take as much time as you need to answer them.

Q: How to prepare for FedEx’s hiring process?  

A: You can prepare for FedEx’s hiring process by purchasing JobTestPrep’s preparation kit that contains the Caliper Test closely modeled upon the official Caliper Personality Assessment, supplied with answer keys and detailed study guides. With our practice resources, you can significantly improve your results on FedEx’s pre-employment examination and track your progress while you are studying. Tracking your progress allows you to build a deeper and more accurate personality profile. Practicing with JobTestPrep will also increase your self-awareness and will help you present well your leadership and managerial abilities in your conversation with FedEx’s recruiters.

Q: How to get a job in FedEx?

A: In order to get a job at FedEx, you need to apply online, submitting your résumé careers’ gateway. After this, you will have a phone interview with a Human Resources recruiter. For some positions, you will need also to take the Caliper Personality Assessment. If you receive positive feedback on your test, you will be scheduled for a face-to-face interview in one of FedEx’s locations.