Interested in becoming a firefighter in California? JobTestPrep provides you with the information you need to familiarize yourself with the different firefighter tests in California. Our practice packs are designed to prepare you for the different exams California fire departments provide.
Other leading pages in the category: Candidate Testing Center | Firefighter Aptitude Test | Firefighter Mechanical Test
Firefighter Written Exams: Gledhill Shaw | NFST | CPS | County of LA | FDNY | FireTEAM
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Each department may choose which exam it requires you to take to become a firefighter. The exam may be provided by an assessment company or by a specific department. Becoming familiar with the exam will help you to successfully pass it.
Practice with sample questions and explanations on our Free Firefighter Test page.
To join the LAFD, you must take the Firefighter Candidate Assessment (FCA). The FCA is provided by PSI. The FCA is a computer-based exam, with video and audio components. The exam includes five portions, which you will have four hours in total to complete. Learn more about the LAFD Exam.
To join the LACoFD you must take the Los Angeles County Fire Department written test. Learn more about the LACoFD exam and start preparing today.
To become a firefighter in Sacramento, you must take the FCTC entry-level written test developed by the California Firefighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee (Cal-JAC). This test measures your knowledge in reading comprehension, the ability to recall detailed visual and verbal information, basic mathematics, and mechanical reasoning. The test starts with a 30-minute period in which you are given essays to read and study. You then have two hours to complete 100 multiple-choice questions.
The FCTC Written Test covers four subjects:
To become a firefighter in San Diego, you must take a written test. The test has five sections: Mechanical Reasoning; Reading Comprehension; Oral Comprehension; Reading Charts, Graphs, and Diagrams; and Basic Mathematics. No prior knowledge of firefighting information is necessary to take the written test.
To join the San Francisco Fire Department, you must take the Ergometrics FireTEAM Exam. This exam is divided into four tests: Video-Based Human Relations, Mechanical Aptitude, Math, and Reading Ability. The exam contains around 160 questions and has a time limit of 2 hours and 20 minutes.
Knowing about the test beforehand will help you succeed in passing it. JobTestPrep provides information about the test structure of California firefighter exams to help you familiarize yourself with them. Prepare for California firefighter tests with our practice tests, which are customized for the different firefighter exams in California.
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If you are looking for a different test or are interested in becoming a Police Officer, 911 dispatcher, Civil Court Officer, or Sanitation Officer, take a look at our free Civil Service Exam and CritiCall Assessment, or CA Pellet B Practice Tests.
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