Prepare for Washington State Firefighter Exams

Interested in becoming a firefighter in the state of Washington? JobTestPrep provides you with the information you need to become familiar with the different firefighter tests in Washington State. Familiarizing yourself with the different exams that Washington State Fire Departments provide will get you one step close to achieving your goal of becoming a firefighter.

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Yedidya, Firefighter Recruitment Expert at JobTestPrep
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Washington State Firefighter Exams

Each department or county may choose which entry-level exam you need to take to become a firefighter. The exams measure the skills and abilities required to be a successful firefighter. Becoming familiar with the exam will get you one step closer to becoming a firefighter.

IO Solutions FST

The FST by IO Solutions is the exam you need to take to become a firefighter in the follow fire departments:

  • Anacortes
  • Arlington
  • Bellevue
  • Everett
  • Kent Fire
  • Longview
  • Moses Lake
  • Mukilteo
  • Ocean Shores
  • Olympia
  • Pasco
  • Spokane
  • Tukwila
  • Vancouver
  • Walla Walla
  • Yakima 

The Firefighter Selection Tool (FST) was designed to measure numerous areas that are related to successful performance as a firefighter. The FST contains questions covering two areas: cognitive abilities and non-cognitive traits. The tests your ability in Deductive Reasoning, Mathematical Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning, Information Ordering, Spatial Orientation, Visualization, Written Comprehension, Written Expression, and Non-Cognitive Traits. You must score at least 70% on the exam to pass.


To join the Seattle Fire Department, you need to take the IPSP entry-level firefighter exam. The exam contains two parts: a Study Guide section and the written exam.

Part I: During this part of the exam, you will be provided with a Study Guide containing a variety of materials. You will have 2 hours and 30 minutes to study and take notes, after which all notes and the study guide will be collected, and you will begin the actual test.

Part II: This is the written exam. You will be given approximately one hour and 30 minutes to complete it. The questions will be taken directly from the study guide materials. There are four sections in this part of the exam.

  • Ability to Solve Work-Related Arithmetic: This section tests your ability to solve basic math problems.
  • Learn and Use Technical Information: This section tests your ability to learn and use technical information. It consists of articles and instructions related to firefighting, and you will then have to answer questions based on the passages.
  • Learn and Recall Visual Information: This section evaluates your ability to learn and recall various mechanical objects, symbols, blueprints, and room layouts.
  • Observe and Report Events Accurately: This section of the test will evaluate your ability to observe, remember and report details about situations and events. The Study Guide will present pictures with short scenarios describing the event. During this part of the written test, you will have to recall details in both the picture and scenario.

Prepare for Washington State Firefighter Exams

We provide you with the information you need on various Washington State firefighter tests to prepare you for the exam. Familiarizing yourself with the test will improve your score and better your chances of becoming a firefighter in the state of Washington.