The Ultimate Guide to Acing the CCAT Vista Test

The Vista Equity Partners Aptitude Test is your first tough challenge on your way to becoming a Vista employee. The two most difficult parts of the assessment will likely be the CCAT Vista test as well as a personality test. Time plays a crucial role in getting a high score on the CCAT Test, and personality tests contain many stumbling blocks - meaning that accurate preparation is crucial. 

To help you maximize your Vista CCAT score, we have designed a preparation pack based on extensive research and experience. It includes:

  • CCAT Vista Introduction test that will pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to better focus your time and mental resources.  
  • Full-length CCAT Vista practice tests that will improve your time management skills and teach you about the various types of questions.
  • Subject-specific drills will allow you to target those areas where you need extra work and sharpen your skills where you need to most.
  • Full-length personality test and extra single-trait drills that will teach you how to avoid the pitfalls that this tricky section poses.   
  • Study guides & video tutorials to brush up your math skills and give you a deeper grasp of the numerical section of the CCAT Vista Test. 

Vista Equity Partners Exam

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A 5-Step Practice Plan to Ace the CCAT Test

  • Step #1: CCAT Introduction Test & Interactive Study Guide
    - CCAT Introduction Test (50 questions, 15 minutes)
    - Interactive study guide with inside info and prep tips
  • Steps #2 - #4: Focused Practice Drills & Full-length CCAT Simulations
    - 5 full-length CCAT simulations
    - 12 practice tests covering CCAT's numerical, verbal, spatial reasoning, and logic questions
    - 4 drills for each difficulty level (basic, intermediate, advanced)
  • Step #5: Additional Practice Material for Each of the CCAT’s Topics
    - 12 extra practice tests - 3 for each topic (numerical, verbal, spatial, logic)

*Each practice test is coupled with full explanations and score reports.


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Tammar, Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) Expert at JobTestPrep
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Here you’ll find free Vista CCAT test questions along with information on exam format, score, and Vista Equity Partners interview process.

What is the CCAT Vista Test?

The Vista CCAT assesses your cognitive aptitude for work and evaluates your ability to process new information, think critically, and solve problems. You will need to answer 50 numerical, verbal, and abstract/logical reasoning questions in only 15 minutes - 18 seconds per question.

The real challenge that you will face in the CCAT Vista is not necessarily the difficulty of the questions (although many of them are very challenging), but the tight time limit. In order to increase your chances of answering as many questions correctly as you can, learning good time management through repeated and accurate practice is the way to go

Another challenging part of the Vista Equity Partners aptitude test is the personality test, which aims to measure your workplace behavior and compatibility with the organization. A common misconception is that personality tests require no preparation. You must remember however that there are right and wrong answers - and accurate practice can help you avoid the pitfalls that this test presents. 

Challenge yourself with some free Vista CCAT practice test questions, to see if you have what it takes to ace the CCAT Vista exam.

Vista CCAT Practice Test Questions

Try to solve the questions within the time limit by pressing the timer icon⏲️

Please keep in mind that you have only 18 seconds per question.

Good luck.

Vista CCAT Practice Test Question 1


Shelley has 7 dresses, 8 pairs of shoes, and 7 necklaces. If she wears one combination of clothes per day.

How many days can she go without wearing the same outfit?

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The correct answer is (E) - 392

This is a classic combinations question. In order to solve the problem, you must figure the correct number of choices of clothing Shelley has in each category.
According to the question, there are 3 categories:
Dresses = a choice between 7 options.
Shoes = a choice between 8 options.
Necklaces = a choice between 7 options.

The number of days Shelley can go without wearing the same outfit equals to the overall number of combinations of clothing, which equals the multiplication of the number of options within each category: 7 * 7 * 8 = 392

Vista CCAT Practice Test Question 2


adee … fijj … knoo … pstt ?

What would be the next group of letters in the following series?

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The correct answer is (E) – uxyy

First, one can notice that in each of the four-letter groups, the third letter repeats itself, so the third and fourth letters are identical. All four-letter groups present a pattern according to which two consecutive letters are missing between the first and third letter in the group. Additionally, the first letter of the following group is consecutive to the last letter of the previous group:
abcdee … fghijj … klmnoo … pqrstt
The letters strike through in red are the ones missing in each group, and the bold letters show the consecutive letters between the following groups.
Therefore, the next group of letters will be uvwxyy – uxyy.

"JobTestPrep guides you through what can only be called a mental bootcamp. Hang tough with them and you'll be ready for battle!
P.S. -- Along the way, they give you mental 'cheat codes' to help you win the game."

Jonathan W. | Vista Equity Partners Exam

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For more Vista CCAT information and sample questions, check out the following video:

Here we explain everything you need to know about the 2025 CCAT test.

Vista Equity Partners CCAT Scores Explained

There are two ways to count your Vista CCAT score. You can either receive a so-called raw score, which counts only your correct answers, or you can be given a percentile score, measured relative to scores received by other job candidates. 

If on the percentile counting you receive 79%, this doesn't mean that you answered 79% of questions correctly - it means that you did better on the examination than 79% of the candidates competing for a similar position. Because your score is calculated relative to other applicants, it is crucial to outdo them on the examination.

Study with our exclusive Vista CCAT PrepPack™ and leave your competitors behind. The more you practice with CCAT practice tests, the more you will increase your speed and accuracy.


Insider Information from One of Our Customers

"It is a well-structured company. In light of this, it is important that you organize your thoughts on the subject matter, and provide concise answers which demonstrate why would you be beneficial to the company. I took the CCAT cognitive and personality tests. The cognitive test was difficult. It seemed like it was designed to apply pressure by not having enough time to answer the questions."

Rabi Z., Executive | Vista Equity Partners Exam

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The Best Way to Prepare for Your Vista CCAT Test

Our comprehensive CCAT Vista and personality preparation pack includes practice tests with detailed explanations and solving tips, and CCAT study guides with helpful exam strategies.

Specific drills will help you master a variety of question types, including word problems, logic questions, critical thinking, spatial reasoning, and more.

Repeated practice with our study resources will maximize your chances of getting a high score in the Vista CCAT, and of landing that job with Vista Equity Partners. 

Vista Equity Partners Interview Process

Another central part of the hiring process is the interview, and you should prepare for both behavioral and technical questions. Some of the questions aim to test your understanding of Vista Equity Partners and whether or not you share the company's core values. The technical questions are designed to evaluate if you have the experience and the knowledge to handle the responsibilities of the position.

Vista Equity Partners Interview Questions

The questions below serve to give you an idea of what to expect in your Vista Equity Partners interview. Keep in mind that technical questions depend on the role you are applying for.

  • Tell me about your experience.
  • Tell me about data and the role of modern data play in technology companies.
  • What do you know about Vista Equity Partners?
  • What can you suggest to help improve Vista Equity Partners' performance?
  • What would you like to be doing at Vista Equity Partners?

Vista Equity Partners Companies

Technology is at the heart of all Vista acquisitions, and Vista subsidiaries cover a wide range of industries from healthcare to energy.

Most of these companies use the Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test as their main pre-employment screening tool. 

Below is a list of the main subsidiaries:  

If you're unsure whether the company you're applying for is part of the Vista portfolio of companies, please refer to the official Vista Partners website for a complete list.

Vista Equity Partners Partnerships

Vista purchased two software companies, Apptio and Alegeus. As a result of these purchases, Apptio and Alegeus candidates are now required to take CCAT tests as part of the hiring process.

Additionally, Four Winds Interactive (FWI) and Integral Ad Science, a digital signage software company and an ad technology company, partnered with Vista Equity, necessitating FWI and Integral Ad Science candidates to take the CCAT as well. Acquia, a company specializing in content management and digital experience, also joined Vista Equity Partners and started testing its candidates with the CCAT exam.


Are you interested in more CCAT-related information? Visit our main CCAT test page for more useful information, and try out our Free CCAT Cognitive Test and CCAT Practice Test 50 Questions PDF for sample questions with full answers and solving tips.

You can also check out the CCAT FAQ page, and the CCAT tips page for more detailed information about the exam.